Some time ago, I interviewed Joanna F. Penn about her experience starting a new book on a foreign market – in this case Germany . I put this interview up here on When I shared the blog post on Twitter, it sparked a short discussion. “We should have author buddies to help us with marketing on foreign markets” someone said. Well – here it is.
Authorbuddies, it’s official name, already says a lot about how it is supposed to work. You create an account, tell visitors which language support you are looking for and either find someone immediately or wait to be found. To have a fruitful cooperation, you should add more information about yourself. It’s important that your author buddy knows about your genre (ideally, he/she should write in the same genre). Also, both of you should be roughly on the same level of success in your particular home countries.
That’s all that’s needed. The site is free and will remain free.
Though we require something from you: Please tell others about this possibility. And if you’ve got any resources to add to the “resources” category on the site, please let us know.